Courage, it is tricky word, especially in software industry. Usually In real word, it defines you, defines your life, defines you character. The more courageous you are the more fruitful life you have. However, in the software industry, the more courageous you are, more n more n more work you have and that work is fruitful or not, aah that depends on luck, no guarantee for that. Only guarantee is that tons of work is following courageous people here.
So why people show courage here, for money? I don’t think so.
It is easy to delegate work to other and leave early (well, leaving on time is count as leaving early here), it is easy to say that it is not my issue and don’t care about it. But it will heart you inside (if you know that you can solve it better way or faster). It would be hard for you to sleep well.
When issue arrives, you will say, I will do it and that's the courage. And then… You will be in office before every one arrives, you will be last one in office to leave and you will be working during weekends too. Your manager will see you first whenever issue occurs; your team-mates will see you for resolutions. People will respect you more for what you are doing and and and… expect you to do more n more n more…. And your family, they will miss you surely.

For me being courageous is pride thing and I will honor person who show courage to resolve each n every issue occurs although he is poor social life. And I salute the person who do both very well. It is tough here to having good social life with being courageous. It is tougher to be courageous….